You'd call on me with your mellifluous words, casting a net of deceipt upon my heart; then let me hang on to a sea of paper promises. But it's all right. I never truly believed you. My guess is that it must have been that inner voice, going beyond conscience that whispered "don't". And now I'm in an odd place. Did I half-fall for you? I'm not sure if I can paint the canvas of my fickle heart in the right colors. Finding the right mix of words for this old heart of mine is never easy. But my heart has learned the tough lesson of caution. And after all the rambling past, my heart could only half-fall for you. That in-between state. If only I had that teenage heart, than I'd know how to fall full-heartedly. But now I only fall half-way and it's tormenting in the sense that you never hit a bottom rock. It's as if my ability to love is a rock thrown in the pond, whose fall is at some point frozen in time. It just floats there in the semi-dark depths of the rippling pond. Somewhere in-between the kind, warm sunrays of your enthralling words and the murky depths of disappointment. It just lays there, in a stale stay. Helpless. For now.