Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Abridged Diary of a Foreign Student - Day X

It's a diary, but chronological order doesn't work for me. So today is Tuesday, March 27. The same old morning routine. Ah, the city buzz in downtown. A huge crowd of people getting off the trolley and heading for work. There’s something fascinating about seeing a great amount of people heading in similar directions. It’s something close to seeing a stadium crowd, but no excitement. They may all be strangers to one another, but so are stadium people to one another.

The warm glow of the morning seems to be only shattered by the crisp coolness of this morning. The sun is up and running but ouch the air sure knows how to pinch my face. But there’s some sort of irresistible freshness about this morning or how sunlight pierces unstopped through the window pane of the bus and then does its spotty dance on the chairs, floor or anywhere it can get on. The bus swiftly crosses the highway this morning, it may be because there are less passengers or I  have an unusually keen perception of my surroundings. Oh, I think the sentiment has found me today. Does that make me sentimental? And if the case is different, should it be that I’m asentimental? I won’t delve too much on that, I just need to do some mental processing of my own states before I put myself out there.

“Alone on its back. In a crib” – the bus proudly announces a tip for putting babies to bed. Outside the bus, the world is in motion. Fleeting tall buildings, occasionally throwing a look full of contempt, or humble homes that beg for someone to take care of them, a museum promising an oasis for civilization. And the neatness of correctly installed traffic signs. Wow, how they stand there every day doing the same thing. It must be strangely tedious at a certain point, but there we go. I’m in the student district now, kind of getting a jittery feeling at the thought of the last bomb threats in one of the universities. I was there one of the days when a whole building could have beautifully been wiped out from the face of earth. What are the odds of that happening and I being in the place? Pretty high, if we think of the general unsafety that we witness today. 

Just a morning brush-up whilst on the bus. Have a sunny day!


  1. Have a sunny day too draga Mire!

  2. A ride on the bus does give you a whole lot of time to ponder on countless things. What I can't tackle either is the constant feeling of insecurity and unrest that I did not deal with until now. We seem to have so much freedom and yet we are all the more imprisoned in this constant and ultimately justified lack of trust in our fellows.

    Hope you had a pleasant ride though!!! :)

  3. @Diana
    My bus trip wasn't supposed to turn into a personal reflection, but I seem to drift in that direction every time chance favours it. And, yes, it was a lovely morning but I couldn't help but think of the recent shooting and bomb threat in the student district. It was real, pretty scary when I found out on the news in the evening. Which brings us to constantly questioning our surroundings and unfortunately our fellows too. It feels sad to know anyone can be subject to the whims of a wavy circumstance.
    But anyway, thank you for a virtual stop-by!Always happy to have you around!:))

  4. @Mariana
    Thank you!!It really was!:))
